Combat Demo - Additional help
Exospace Combat Prototype » Devlog

The combat demo did not come with a tutorial and indeed had barely any playtesting externally. So here are some things you should know:
- Gravity exists and crashing into worlds in theory hurts you. asteroid collisions also should hurt, it's just that there's some weirdness going on there I need to hash out.
- X shaped = Drive upgrade
- Rectangle shaped = Weapons upgrade. Check Gauss/spreader and your railgun for the upgrades as I need to figure out a way to better communicate what that upgrade even did.
- Artifacts collected is atavistic, but it is a fun number to have go up.
- The transparent shapes around or on some players/enemies
- Green projectiles harm shields more
- You switch weapons with your scroll wheel
- MIRV type weaponry can be remote detonated by pressing down on your scroll wheel
- Yellow/orange (enemy) projectiles harm hull more
- F might do something, it is not the focus of the prototype however.
Exospace Combat Demo for Windows 112 MB
Feb 10, 2021
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